A Letter To The Headmaster with 15 Samples

A Letter To The Headmaster with Different Samples

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A letter to the headmaster: It is a very easy matter to write any letter or application to the head of the institution. When the students take any permission and leave it is necessary to submit an application or letter to the head of the institution. It is a rule of the school. This process shows good behaviour and regard for the teacher. There are some rules to writing an application and letter to the headmaster or madam of the institution. I have given at least fifteen samples in this post so that you will get an idea. If you follow the rules and structure it will be easy to write for you.

A Letter To The Headmaster

01. Leave after two periods due to winning first prize

A letter to the Headmaster Sample-01

Birbhum High School

Sub:[Prayer for leave after two periods]

Most respectfully and humbly I am Poritosh Mandal, a student of class X request you leave after two periods. Last day our school took part in dance and parade competition on the occasion of 26 th January. Our school stood the first position in dance and second in the parade competition and won the prizes. So we are very glad and proud four our school. All the students would like to take leave after two periods today.

Therefore I earnestly request you to grant the leave for the student’s gladness.

From the students of class X

02. Lose of library card

A letter to the Headmaster Sample-02

Malda Girls High School

Sub:[Lose of library card]

I am Susmita Sen, a student of class X at your school. It is regret to say you that I have lost my library card. I had kept it in my bag but I forgot to close it at the time of going home. I think the library card has fallen on the way when I was running. Now I am in a great problem. The authority of the library will not allow me to enter the library room without an ID card. Please issue me a duplicate library card.

I will be obliged to you if you arrange an I.D card.

03. Lose of registration and admit card
A letter to the headmaster Sample-03

Malancha Palli Minujha Boy’s High School

Subject: [Lose of registration and admit card]

Most respectfully I would like to state that I am one of the students of class X of your school. I am sorry to say that I have lost my registration and admit card. My elder brother had gone to the Xerox shop. When he returned I saw the original copies were missing. We have sought much but all in vain. I have lodged an F.I.R. to the police station.

Therefore I pray your best to look into the matter and arrange duplicate copies for me.

With thanks and regards

04. Request for Spoken English class one day a week

A letter to the headmaster Sample-04

[Your School Name]

Subject: [Name of the topic]

With the best regard, I am Atanu Kumar Mukherjee, a student of class X at your school. I would like to highlight that all the students read English subjects in the class but we can not speak an English sentence freely. Nowadays spoken English is very important for students. The students can not progress in higher education without it. So I request you to be held one day spoken English class by our English teacher a week for all separate classes.

I hope you will think about it and take the right decision at your earliest.

Atanu Kumar Mukherjee

05. Need to bring out the school magazine

A letter to the headmaster Sample-05

[Your School Name]

Subject: [Name of the topic]

I beg to state that I am a student of class ________________, section- ___________ at your school.

[Write something relevant topic]

I shall always remain obliged to you for this act of kindness.

With thanks and regards

Yours most obediently

06. Not to bring a mobile phone

A letter to the Headmaster Sample-06

[Your School Name]

Subject: [Name of the topic]

I beg most respectfully to state that I am a student of class X at your school. I am very sorry to draw your attention that many students bring mobile phones to school. During tifine hour they are playing online games like PUBG, Free Fire and etc. They are gradually becoming addicted to those games. They are giving more concentrate on mobile phones than studying. They are doing misuse mobile phones. The atmosphere of education is being spoiled.

Therefore I request you to look into the matter and take the right step against it.

Most obediently yours

07. Appeal for arranging special online classes

Write a letter to the Head of the institution requesting him/her arrange for special online classes before Madhyamik Examination, especially for mediocre students.

A letter to the Headmaster Sample-07

Madhab Nagar Badal Moni High School

Sub:[ Appeal for arranging special online classes]

Most respectfully and humbly I am Pratap Kumar Jana, a student of class X in your school. I am going to appear for the ensuing Madhyamik Examination. But we were deprived of regular classes last year because the pandemic coronavirus had spread throughout the world. It caused great harm to our studies. Although online classes were held, we could not understand all the topics properly. Especially the mediocre students suffered much.

Therefore, on behalf of the students I request you to arrange for some special classes before the Madhyamik Examination, especially for the mediocre students. Please look into the matter and help us at your earliest.

From the students of class X

8. Seeking permission to organize a Covid-19 awareness camp

Write a letter to the Headmaster/ Headmistress of your school seeking permission to organize a COVID-19 Awareness Camp in your school and request him/her to be present in the meeting.

A letter to the headmaster Sample – 08

Malda Zilla School

Sub:[ Prayer for permission to organize cleaning programme]

With due respect, I beg to state that I am Pinaki Das, a student of class X, section A, and on behalf of all the students of the school request, you allow us to use the school ground to be present in the camp. We would like to arrange the “Covid-19 Awareness Camp” programme. The programme will be held on “World Environment Day”. The students of all classes will participate in it. Two eminent doctors will be in the camp. They will present the pandemic covid19 and how to prevent it. Musk and sanitisers will be distributed among the students and people.

Therefore I request you give us permission to organize a Covid-19 awareness camp in our school ground. I hope you will grant our appeal.

9. S eeking permission to organize a keep your school clean programme

Write an application to the Head of your school seeking permission to organize a keep your school clean programme by the students of class X.

A letter to the headmaster Sample-09

Malda Zilla School

Sub:[ Prayer for permission to organize cleaning programme]

With due respect, I beg to state that I am Bomkesh Das, a student of class X, section A, and on behalf of all the students of the school request, you allow us to use the auditorium of our school. We would like to arrange the “Keep our school clean” programme. The programme will be held on “World Environment Day”. The students of all classes will participate in it. A seminar on “Save Drinking Water”, a one-act play, and songs related to environmental consciousness will be arranged.

Therefore I request you to give us permission to organize keep our school clean programme. I hope you will grant our appeal.

10. Requesting to arrange an excursion

Write a letter to the Head of the Institution requesting him/her to arrange an excursion to a place of historical interest.

Write a letter to the Headmaster of your school requesting to organize an educational trip to a place of historical interest.

A letter to the Headmaster Sample-10

Hooghly Collegiate School

Sub: [Request for arranging an educational tour]

With a lot of respect, I, Sunil Banarzee, a student of class X, Section A, on behalf of my classmates, earnestly request you to arrange an educational trip to Hajarduyari as all the students of class X are very eager to participate in the excursion.

We had a tour of Jorasanko Thakur Bari in the presence of our teacher in 2018. We learnt a lot of things about the place and its history. We could have understood that just by reading books one can never have a complete idea of history.

Therefore we request you arrange a trip to Hajarduyari.

11. Improvement of sports instrument

[Name of the school]

[Address of the school]

Sub:[Request for improvement of sports equipment]

My name is Nayan Dutta, a student of class X at your school. I would like to inform you about the equipment for sports. I have seen myself that in cricket, the bats are not good and those are very old. The volleyball net is torn. The caram board is very old. The bar posts are broken. So many students are not playing the games during tifine hours and they are going outside of the school ground. I request you to look into the matter.

All the students will remain thankful to you if you arrange some equipment for the sports as early as possible.

12. Repairing ceiling fans and benches

Makdumpur Girls High School

Sub:[Request for repairing fans and benches]

My name is Gobinda Karmakar, a student of class X at your school. There are about eighty-five students and twenty-five benches in our class. It is very sorry to say that about fifteen benches are broken. So we manage to sit at least five students on a bench. But it is not possible to carry on in summer. There are eight ceiling fans in our room. Three fans are not moving and two fans are moving very slowly. In summer, we will feel hot and find it difficult to remain in the classroom.

Under the circumstances, I request you to repair the benches and fans before summer.

13. To employ a history teacher

[Name of the school]

[Address of the school]

Sub:[Request for employing a history teacher]

We, the students of class X at your school. We would like to draw your kind attention to the history department. Now we are facing a problem as our history teacher Nirmal Sen has retired from our school. At present we can not complete our history book and our test exam is knocking at the door.

In this regard, we earnestly request you to employ a history teacher for us.

[Name of the student]

14 Requesting for the opening of a text-book library for the students

Malda Town High School

Sub:[ Requesting for the opening of a text-book library]

With due respect, I, Tapan Kumar Singha, would like to draw your kind attention to the opening of a textbook library. There is no library in our school. When we face any problem on any topic we have to take the help of our teacher. We read the books which are ours. We can not read other books besides the syllabus. We are willing to contribute Rs.20/- per head for the purpose of opening a library.

Therefore we request you to open a textbook library in our school at your earliest.

15. Request for Test Paper (Madhyamik 2024)

Suppose you missed out on the day on which “Free Test Papers” were distributed among the students of your class. Now write an application to the Headmaster of your school describing the causes behind your absence on that particular day so that you can get a Test Paper another day. (In about 100 words)

Lolit Mohan Shyam Mohani High School

Sub: [Request for Test Paper (Madhyamik 2023)]

With a lot of respect, I beg to state that I am Priyam Deb, a student of class X(Will appear in Madhyamik 2023), Section A, Roll No: 07. I am really sorry to say that I could not attend school on 13/12/2022, Saturday. The day was scheduled earlier for the distribution of Test Papers among the students of class X. I missed the opportunity to get the test paper as I have gone to the hospital to see my ailing grandmother. She had been suffering from a fever for a few days.

I, therefore, request you consider my position and allow me to have the Test Paper another day.

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