Spanish real estate property type terminology

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Essential Real Estate Agent Spanish Vocabulary

Give you the information

May I help you?

Take you to see them

Point to the ones you like the most

Are you looking for

Do you have an appointment?

Do you have

I can (cant)

With whom would you like to speak?

Do you live in:

Would you like to speak with an agent?

What’s your / his / her (compete) name?

A mobile home

An agent will be with you soon.

Interview for housing needs & preferences

Do you own it?

Let’s begin

Do you pay rent?

Let me ask you a couple of questions first

How many people live there?

Are you already working with a realtor?

How many kids live there?

Do you have a contract with that realtor?

You have to work with your realtor.

Would you/he/she like to:

We can be your realtor.

In what city do you live now?

What’s your address?

Do that in (#) months?

What is the best phone number to reach you at?

Do it sooner than that?

What’s your email address?

Where do you work?

How many people will be living there?

Is this your first home purchase in the U.S?

Fill out this checklist with the things you would like.

Have you selected a lender to provide a loan?

Does it matter it it’s older or newer?

Have you been prequalified by a bank or lending institution?

How many bedrooms?

Which bank or mortgage company?

How many stories?

For how much?

How many bathrooms?

How much are you willing to spend on a property?

Would you/he/she like:

How much money are you willing to spend per month?

A 1-car garage?

Have you seen any properties you like?

A 2-car garage?

These are for sale on the market.

Let me know if you see anything you like.

A dining room?

We can also do a computer search.

A fireplace?

We can look for the features you would like.

Central air conditioner?

We can see what’s currently available.

Central heat?

Would you like me to do a computer search?

A basement?

A big kitchen?

A fenced yard?

Do it right now

What city would you/he/she prefer?

Do it later

Any area in particular there?

Do the search with you

Would you/he/she like to live hear:

Print the listings for you

Call you about the listings

Email you the listings

Mail you the listings

Show you the pictures

For rental properties, you can call (# or name)

A bus stop?

A subway stop?

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