Protocol for Primary Mouse Hepatocyte Isolation

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Associated Data

Methods Video S1. Mouse Positioning and Preparations for Cannulation The anesthetized mouse is positioned on the dissection tray. The mouse fur and skin are cut in a “U” shape. Mouse intestine and the rest of viscera are moved to the right and both the portal vein and vena cava are revealed. Steps: 7–10.

GUID: 1A76C85B-EABA-4927-9EC2-B9BBB657E355

Methods Video S2. Liver Cannulation and Perfusion The inferior vena cava is cannulated and the liver is perfused to wash out blood and circulating cells as well as to eliminate calcium via EDTA. Steps: 11–15.

GUID: 244A1B19-B39E-4F68-9558-E717174A1A36

Methods Video S3. Liver Digestion Collagenase (Liberase) is perfused to the liver to facilitate hepatocyte dispersion. Steps 16–19.

GUID: FB4C57A2-22BC-43D5-BC32-9F7DEEA268BB

Methods Video S4. Liver Dissection The liver is dissected out gently by removing all connections to other organs. Step 20.

GUID: F225A9CA-2879-4E26-8FFA-6C9B0486416A

Methods Video S5. Hepatocyte Purification The liver is removed to a 10 cm plate and is punctured repeatedly. Liver cells are released to the media and filtered. Steps 22–24.

GUID: 7B602D67-98E2-4165-8E3C-C8CEF958490B

This study did not generate any unique datasets or code.


Primary hepatocytes are a vital tool in various biomedical research disciplines, serving as an ex vivo model for liver physiology. Obtaining high yields of viable primary mouse hepatocytes is technically challenging, limiting their use. Here, we present an improved protocol based on the classic two-step collagenase perfusion technique. The liver is washed by perfusion, hepatocytes are dissociated by collagenase, separated from other cells, and cultured. This protocol was optimized to significantly reduce procedure duration and improve hepatocyte yield and viability.

Graphical Abstract

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Primary hepatocytes are a vital research tool but their isolation is challenging We present a protocol for quick, high-yield isolation of primary mouse hepatocytes Vena cava cannulation increases reproducibility and requires less technical skills Liberase digestion and portal vein clamping reduce duration and increase efficiency

Primary hepatocytes are a vital tool in various biomedical research disciplines, serving as an ex vivo model for liver physiology. Obtaining high yields of viable primary mouse hepatocytes is technically challenging, thereby limiting their use. Here, we present an improved protocol based on the classic two-step collagenase perfusion technique. The liver is washed by perfusion, hepatocytes are dissociated by collagenase, separated from other cells, and cultured. This protocol was optimized to significantly reduce procedure duration and improve hepatocyte yield and viability.

Before You Begin

Timing: 20 min. (plus incubation for 4–16 h)

Note: Steps 1–4 should be done in sterile conditions, in a biological hood (i.e., biosafety cabinet)

Prepare cell culture plates; 12-well, 6-well, 10 cm, and 15 cm plates are suitable for hepatocyte plating.

Note: Lower diameter plates may be suitable but are less optimal due to decreased efficiency of cell dispersion across the well surface.

Cover the bottom of the plates/wells with 0.01% rat-tail collagen solution. Incubate for 4–16 h at 37°C under sterile conditions (e.g., in a humidified CO2 incubator). Wash with PBS, aspirate PBS.

Note: Collagen-coated plates can be prepared days in advance provided they are stored under sterile conditions.

Key Resources Table

Chemicals, Peptides, and Recombinant Proteins
HBSS with calcium, magnesium and phenol redBiological industries02-015-1A
HBSS no calcium, no magnesium and no phenol redBiological industries02-018-1A
EDTA (0.5 M)Fisher bioreagentsBP2482-500
HEPES (1 M)Sigma-AldrichH0887-100ML
Ketamine (Clorketam)Vetoquinol00 92297 43 082
Xylazine (Sedaxylan)EuroVetSEDAXYLAN
DMEM low glucoseBiological industries01-050-1A
Dulbecco's Phosphate Buffered Saline (DPBS) without calcium and magnesiumBiological industries02-023-1A
Phosphate Buffered Saline (PBS) ×10HylabsBP507/500D
L-Glutamine SolutionBiological industries03-020-1B
Penicillin-Streptomycin SolutionBiological industries03-031-1B
William's E Medium, no glutamineGibco12551-032
Fetal Bovine Serum (FBS)Biological industries04-007-1A
PercollSanta Cruz biotechnologiessc-500790A
Trypan Blue SolutionBiological industries03-102-1B
Liberase™ TM Research GradeSigma-Aldrich05401127001
Experimental Models: Organisms/Strains
Mouse strain: C57BL/6JOlaHsdEnvigoN/A
Insulin syringeBecton Dickinson (BD)BD 324912
Cell strainer, 70 μmCorningCLS431751-50EA
Cell lifterCorningCLS3008
Peristaltic pumpGilsonMiniplus 3
PVC tubing 2.06 mm diameter
Mouse dissection trayN/AN/A
Water bathN/AN/A
Sterile 50 mL centrifuge tubesCorning430829
Sterile 25 mL serological pipettesBio-SORFA315100
27 gauge needleBD Microlance302200
70% ethanolN/AN/A
Head wearing magnifier eye loupe (optional)N/AN/A

Materials and Equipment

Collagen Solution (50 mL)

ReagentFinal ConcentrationStock Concentration
Collagen0.01%; 0.1 μg/mL100%; 1 mg/mL
Sterile double deionized water (DDW)--

Note: Due to viscosity of collagen, we recommend doing a serial dilution (e.g., diluting collagen 1:100 and then diluting it again 1:100)

ReagentFinal ConcentrationStock ConcentrationVolume (μL)
Ketamine30 mg/mL100 mg/mL30
Xylazine6 mg/mL20 mg/mL30
Total 100
ReagentFinal ConcentrationStock ConcentrationVolume (mL)
HBSS no Ca 2+ no Mg 2+ no phenol red--487
EDTA0.5 mM0.5 M0.5
HEPES25 mM1 M12.5
Total 500
The final pH at 37°C should be 7.4

EGTA can be used as alternative to EDTA. We have found no difference in yield between the two chelating agents.

ReagentFinal ConcentrationStock ConcentrationVolume (mL)
HBSS with Ca 2+ , Mg 2+ and phenol red--487.5
HEPES25 mM1 M12.5
Total 500

Note: The final pH at 37°C should be 7.4

ReagentFinal ConcentrationStock ConcentrationVolume (mL)
Williams E media--490
Glutamine1%; 2 mM100%; 200 mM5
Penicillin-Streptomycin Solution1%
Pen-100 units/mL
Strep-0.1 mg/mL
Pen-10,000 units/mL
Strep- 10 mg/mL
Total 500

Note: Many protocols add dexamethasone, insulin, transferrin and selenium to maintenance media. We found that this is not needed in short-term culturing. Importantly, these reagents profoundly affect hepatocyte biology (Batista et al., 2019; Goldstein et al., 2013; Lin et al., 2007; Weiller et al., 2004) and thus may affect experiment outcome.

ReagentFinal ConcentrationStock ConcentrationVolume (mL)
DMEM low glucose--470
Penicillin-Streptomycin Solution1%
Pen-100 units/ mL
Strep-0.1 mg/ mL
Pen-10,000 units/ mL
Strep- 10 mg/ mL
Total 500

Liberase Stock Solution

Liberase1 mg/mL50 mg
Digestion buffer-50 mL
Total 50 mL

The preparation of Liberase solution detailed here relates to preparation of stock concentration from powder. The stock is further diluted to a final concentration of 25 μg/mL during the procedure (step 5).

We found that Liberase, a specific type of collagenase is significantly more reproducible than other commercial collagenases.

Aliquot and store at −80°C. We have found that using aliquoted and frozen Liberase (with one or two freeze-thaw cycles) does not substantially affect enzyme activity (in contrast to other types of collagenase). Thus, there is no need to freshly prepare a Liberase solution.

ReagentFinal ConcentrationStock ConcentrationVolume (mL)
Total 10

Note: Percoll solution should be prepared fresh during the procedure.

Step-By-Step Method Details

This protocol is aimed at isolating hepatocytes from mouse liver. Following anesthesia, the vena cava is cannulated and the liver is perfused to chelate calcium and wash out blood. Then, collagenase is perfused to the liver in order to dissociate extracellular matrix. Finally, the liver is dissected and hepatocytes are purified by density-based separation. This protocol presents several advances over similar protocols (Berry and Friend, 1969; Casciano, 2000; Klaunig et al., 1981; Li et al., 2010; Renton et al., 1978; Seglen, 1976; Severgnini et al., 2012). The main improvements of this protocol are better reproducibility, shortened duration, reduced technical challenge, increased yield and higher viability. These are achieved by several steps we altered or optimized. For example: (a) We found that retrograde perfusion through the vena cava permits easier cannulation as opposed to portal vein cannulation. (b) Periodical clamping of the portal vein provides a visible checkpoint for proper perfusion and greatly facilitates efficient washing and digestion. (c) The type of collagenase used (Liberase) shows quicker digestion and better reproducibility compared to other collagenases. (d) Percoll-based density separation results in a population of purified hepatocytes of high viability. Some of these protocol improvements were already implemented in our previous publications (Goldstein et al., 2017a; Goldstein et al., 2017b) where we isolated hepatocytes for experiments demanding a high yield of cells (such as chromatin immunoprecipitation sequencing – ChIP-seq).

Pump Preparation and Mouse Anesthesia

Here, the pump is washed and primed with perfusion buffer. The mouse is anesthetized and positioned on the dissection tray.

This section is shown in Methods Video S1.