Excuse from Physical Education Printable Form

Excuse from Physical Education Printable Form

Students are expected to participate daily in physical activity. State law requires weekly participation in physical education. All students need to wear appropriate clothing and athletic shoes. Failure to regularly participate in P.E. will adversely affect the student’s academic grade.

Students must bring a note with a parent’s signature to the attendance office prior to the start of the school day to be excused from Physical Education. If the PE excuse is longer than 3 days then a doctor’s note must also be presented.

NOTE: On “Mile Run Day” a doctor’s note MUST accompany a request to be excused from PE class participation.

Questions regarding PE participation excuses should be directed to the attendance office at x8583 or to Mrs. Christina Paredes at paredes.christina@tusd.org

Click the image below or download a printable flyer.