Lab Manual Basics of Computer Hardware and Networking

Workgroup based Network using Windows 7 18 Professional OS.

19 Local Printer sharing in Windows 7 OS.




Name of the Experiment: Introduction to Computers

Aim: To understand Different generations and types of Computers- Hardware’s- Parts of a Personnel Computer System –input output devices-memories- and Types of Languages and Software’s Objective: To Study about different types of computers –Different Generations - Types of Languages, Parts of Personal Computers etc Components Required: .

A computer is a device that accepts information (in the form of digitalized data) and manipulates it for some result based on a program or sequence of instructions on how the data is to be processed.

Based on Generations Computers can be classified in to 5 they are

A) First Generation Computers The period of first generation was 1946-1959. The computers of first generation used vacuum tubes as the basic components for memory and circuitry for CPU (Central Processing Unit). In this generation mainly batch processing operating system were used. Punched cards, paper tape, and magnetic tape were used as input and output devices. The computers in this generation used machine code as programming language.

 Eg. ENIAC, EDVAC, UNIVAC, IBM-701 B) Second Generation Computers The period of second generation was 1959-1965. In this generation transistors were used that were cheaper, consumed less power, more compact in size, more reliable and faster than the first generation machines made of vacuum tubes. In this generation, magnetic cores were used as primary memory and magnetic tape and magnetic disks as secondary storage devices. In this generation assembly language and high-level programming languages like FORTRAN, COBOL were used. The computers used batch processing and multiprogramming operating system

 Eg IBM 1620, IBM 7094, CDC 1604 etc. C) Third Generation Computers The period of third generation was 1965-1971. The computers of third generation used integrated circuits (IC's) in place of transistors. A single IC has many transistors, resistors and capacitors along with the associated circuitry. The IC was invented by Jack Kilby. This development made computers smaller in size, reliable and efficient. In this generation remote processing, time-sharing, multi-programming operating system were used. High-level languages (FORTRAN-II TO IV, COBOL, PASCAL PL/1, BASIC, ALGOL-68 etc.) were used during this generation.

 Eg: IBM-360 series, Honeywell-6000 series

D) Fourth Generation Computers The fourth generation was 1971-1980. The computers of fourth generation used Very Large Scale Integrated (VLSI) circuits. VLSI circuits having about 5000 transistors and other circuit elements and their associated circuits on a single chip made it possible to have microcomputers of fourth generation. Fourth generation computers became more powerful, compact, reliable, and affordable. As a result, it gave rise to personal computer (PC) revolution. In this generation time sharing, real time, networks, distributed operating system were used. All the high-level languages like C, C++, DBASE etc., were used in this generation.

Eg: DEC 10, STAR 1000, CRAY-1(Super Computer), CRAY-X-MP(Super Computer)

E) Fifth Generation Computers

The period of fifth generation is 1980-till date. In the fifth generation, the VLSI technology became ULSI (Ultra Large Scale Integration) technology, resulting in the production of microprocessor chips having ten million electronic components. This generation is based on parallel processing hardware and AI (Artificial Intelligence) software. AI is an emerging branch in computer science, which interprets means and method of making computers think like human beings. All the high-level languages like C and C++, Java, .Net etc., are used in this generation

Depending on Size The Computers are classified as follows

Sr.No. Type Specifications

1 PC (Personal It is a single user computer system having Computer) moderately powerful microprocessor

2 WorkStation It is also a single user computer system which is similar to personal computer but have more powerful microprocessor.

3 Mini Computer It is a multi-user computer system which is capable of supporting hundreds of users simultaneously.

4 Main Frame It is a multi-user computer system which is capable of supporting hundreds of users simultaneously. Software technology is different from minicomputer.

5 Supercomputer It is an extremely fast computer which can execute hundreds of millions of instructions per second.

Different Type Programming Languages

1. Low-Level Language Low-level languages are designed to operate and handle the entire hardware and instructions set architecture of a computer directly. Low-level languages are considered to be closer to computers. In other words, their prime function is to operate, manage and manipulate the computing hardware and components. Programs and applications written in low-level language are directly executable on the computing hardware without any interpretation or translation.

2. High- Level Language High level languages are designed to be used by the human operator or the programmer. They are referred to as "closer to humans." In other words, their programming style and context is easier to learn and implement, and the entire code generally focuses on the specific program to be created. However, every single program written in a high level language must be interpreted into machine language before being executed by the computer.

BASIC, C/C++ and Java are popular examples of high-level languages.

3. Assembly Language

An assembly language is a low-level programming language for microprocessors and other programmable devices. It is not just a single language, but rather a group of languages. Assembly language implements a symbolic representation of the machine code needed to program a given CPU architecture.

Hardwares: Computer hardware refers to the physical parts of a computer and related devices. Internal hardware devices include motherboards, hard drives, and RAM. External hardware devices include monitors, keyboards, mice, printers, and scanners.

Softwares: Computer software, or just software, is a collection of computer programs and related data that provides the instructions for telling a computer what to do and how to do it. In other words, software is a set of programs, procedures, algorithms and its documentation concerned with the operation of a data processing system

Types of Software

Practically computer systems divide software systems into three major classes

System software is computer software designed to operate and control the computer hardware and to provide a platform for running application software. Operating system is a type of system Software. Examples are Windows, Linux etc pplication software

Application software, also known as an application or an app, is computer software designed to help the user to perform specific tasks. Examples include enterprise software, accounting software, office suites, graphics software and media players

Programming software include tools in the form of programs or applications that software developers use to create, debug, maintain, or otherwise support other programs and applications

A computer program is a collection of instructions that performs a specific task when executed by a computer. A computer requires programs to function, and typically executes the program's instructions in a central processing unit. Single Line of a programme is called Instructions

Different Parts of a Computer

Input Devices: "An input device is a hardware device that is used to provide input (data / instructions) to a computer so that it can be processed". Besides the widely used input devices like keyboard & Mice there are other different input devices that perform various input operations like a scanner scan images / documents. Webcams capture videos & images. Output Devices: Output devices are used to communicate the processed information to the users. The output devices translate the processed data information to the users. The output devices translate the processed data in machine readable form to forms that can be interpreted by human. The most common types of output devices are monitor, Printer etc. Output can also be obtained in the form of drawings and voices. Central Processing Unit:

The CPU is refered as the brain of the computer. The CPU controls the overall functioning of a system.Cpu controls the flow of datas inside the computer.The CPU comprises of three main parts. ALU-which control arithmetic and logic operations.

which controls the overallfunctions of all other units of a computer system and memory Devices.

The major Components of a CPU a) Motherboard:

As the name suggests, a motherboard is the mother to all the other parts. In other words, everything in a computer connects to the motherboard. A motherboard (mobo) is the primary circuit board in a computer. It contains the processors memories various supporting chips and different expansion slots. b) Processor:

A processor, or "microprocessor," is a small chip that resides in computers and other electronic devices. Its basic job is to receive input and provide the appropriate output. While this may seem like a simple task, modern processors can handle trillions of calculations per second. The central processor of a computer is also known as the CPU, or "central processing unit." This Processor handles all the basic system instructions, such as processing mouse and keyboard input and running applications.

c) Memory: In computing, memory refers to the physical devices used to store programs (sequences of instructions) or data (e.g. program state information) on a temporary or permanent basis for use in a computer or other digital electronic device. The term primary memory is used for the information in physical systems which are fast (i.e. RAM), as a distinction from secondary memory, which are physical devices for program and data storage which are slow to access but offer higher memory capacity. Primary memory stored on secondary memory is called "virtual memory".

Different Types Of Memory: RAM (random-access memory): This is the same as main memory. When used by itself, the term RAM refers to read and write memory; that is, you can both write data into RAM and read data from RAM.. Most RAM is volatile, which means that it requires a steady flow of electricity to maintain its contents. As soon as the power is turned off, whatever data was in RAM is lost.

ROM (read-only memory): Computers almost always contain a small amount of read- only memory that holds instructions for starting up the computer. Unlike RAM, ROM cannot be written to.

PROM (programmable read-only memory): A PROM is a memory chip on which you can store a program. But once the PROM has been used, you cannot wipe it clean and use it to store something else. Like ROMs, PROMs are non-volatile.

EPROM (erasable programmable read-only memory): An EPROM is a special type of PROM that can be erased by exposing it to ultraviolet light.

EEPROM (electrically erasable programmable read-only memory): An EEPROM is a special type of PROM that can be erased by exposing it to an electrical charge.

d) Power Supply (SMPS-Switching Mode Power Supply): A switched-mode power supply is an electronic power supply that incorporates a switching regulator to convert electrical power efficiently. Like other power supplies, an SMPS transfers power from a source, like mains power,to a load, such as a personal computer, while converting voltage and current characteristics. e) Cooling Fans and Heat sinks: A heat sink is a passive component that cools a device by dissipating heat into the surrounding air. Heat sinks are used to cool electronic components such as high-power semiconductor devices, In Cpu heat sinks are mounted directly to the motherboards.

A computer fan is any fan inside, or attached to, a computer case used for active cooling, and may refer to fans that draw cooler air into the case from the outside, expel warm air from inside, or move air across a heat sink to cool a particular component.

Result: Studied the different parts of personnel Computer System-Different Languages etc.

Name of the Experiment: STUDY OF MOTHERBOARD

Aim: To Identify and study the different parts of Motherboard

Objective: To examine the various components typically contained on the motherboard and Motherboard interface connectors and internal headers.

Components Required: Different types of motherboards

Mother board (mobo) or the main board is the most important section in any computer system. No computer system can operate without its motherboard. Motherboard is easily identified in the system by its size or shape. It holds many of the crucial electronic components of the system, such as the central processing unit (CPU) and memory, and provides connectors for other peripherals A PC motherboard contains numerous logic devices, memory chips and other electronic component and circuits, in addition to it different expansion and RAM slots. Various components of the motherboard are CPU, RAM BIOS, Cache memory, Buffer IC’s, Latch IC’s, numeric Co-processor, I/O interface controllers, Logic chips, decoder and other electronic components such as transistors, diodes, capacitors, resistors, crystal oscillators, jumpers, dip switches, various types of connectors and slots. Motherboard Form Factor The form factor refers to the physical dimensions (size and shape) as well as certain connector, screw hole and other positions which also determine the type of case into which the board will fit into. AT and ATX are the main form factors used by Intel. In INTEL D945GCPE Desktop Board Form Factor is Micro ATX [8.60 inches x 9.60 inches] Processor Socket To make Processors user-installable and replaceable, Intel introduced CPU Sockets and Slots. Older Sockets introduced with 486 processors were LIF Sockets (Low Insertion Force) and later Socket design was turned into ZIF (Zero Insertion Force). With ZIF Socket Design, the processor could be easily installed or removed with no tools. (No force is required). ZIF Sockets use a lever to engage or release the grip on the chip, and with the lever released, the chip can be easily inserted or removed. In INTEL D945GCPE Desktop Board uses the LGA 775 or Socket T CPU Socket

Chipset provides the support circuitry to CPU that makes a complete PC. The Chipset contains the processor bus interface, memory controllers, I/O controllers etc. The chipset decides the features of motherboard, the speed, type, and amount of memory, the type of expansion buses etc. Most of Intel’s earlier Chipsets and other non-Intel Chipsets used the traditional Multitier North/South Bridge Architecture. Later Intel introduced the Hub Architecture for its Chipsets. The Hub architecture based Chipset consists of a Graphics Memory Controller Hub (GMCH) and an I/O Controller Hub (ICH). There are two main variations on this hub interface. They are

1. AHA (Accelerated Hub Architecture) – Used by Intel’s 8xx series of Chipsets. 2. DMI (Direct Media Interface) – Used by Intel’s 9xx, 3x and 4x series chipsets.

The Super I/O chip contains the following components - Floppy Controller - One or two Serial Ports - Parallel Port Controller - PS/2 Mouse and Keyboard Connectors

The fundamental purposes of the BIOS are to initialize and test the system hardware components, and to load a boot loader or an operating system from a mass memory device. The BIOS additionally provides abstraction layer for the hardware, i.e. a consistent way for application programs and operating systems to interact with the keyboard, display, and other input/output devices. Variations in the system hardware are hidden by the BIOS from programs that use BIOS services instead of directly accessing the hardware. Modern operating systems ignore the abstraction layer provided by the BIOS and access the hardware components directly. BIOS software is stored on a non-volatile ROM chip on the motherboard. It is specifically designed to work with each particular model of computer, interfacing with various devices that make up the complementary chipset of the system. In modern computer systems, the BIOS contents are stored on a flash memory chip so that the contents can be rewritten without removing the chip from the motherboard. This allows BIOS software to be easily upgraded to add new features or fix bugs, but can make the computer vulnerable to BIOS root kits.

CMOS is an on-board, battery powered semiconductor chip inside computers that stores information, but more specifically, it is a RAM chip. This information ranges from the system time and date to system hardware settings for your computer.

Types of slots used in motherboard

1. I/O slots 2. Memory slots 3. CPU slots [used only for slot type processor]

Types of I/O slots

1. 8 bit ISA 2. 16 bit ISA 3. MCA 4. VESA 5. PCI 6. AGP 7. 32 bit EISA

Types of connectors used in motherboard

1. IDE connector 2. SATA connector 3. Floppy connector 4. Power supply connector 5. Keyboard connector [ PS/2 or USB ] 6. Mouse connector [ PS/2 or USB ] 7. VGA connector [Monitor data connector] 8. Parallel Port 9. Serial Port 10. Audio connector 11. LED connector 12. FAN connector 13. USB port

 Result: Studied about the Motherboard

POWER SUPPLY Ex. No. 3 Name of the Experiment: STUDY OF POWER SUPPLY

Aim: To study about SMPS Power supply Objective: Components Required: SMPS, Multimeter etc

Theory:- S M P S In a personal computer (PC), the power supply is the metal box usually found in a corner of the case. The power supply is visible from the back of many systems because it contains the power- cord receptacle and the cooling fan. A power supply unit (PSU) converts mains AC to low-voltage regulated DC power for the internal components of a computer. Modern personal computers universally use a switched- mode power supply Some power supplies have a manual selector for input voltage, while others automatically adapt to the supply voltage.

ATX power supplies are turned on and off by a signal from the motherboard. They also provide a signal to the motherboard to indicate when the DC power lines are correct so that the computer is able to boot up. While an ATX power supply is connected to the mains supply it provides a 5 V stand-by (5VSB) line so that the standby functions on the computer and certain peripherals are powered.

First-generation microcomputer and home computer power supply units used a heavy step-down transformer and a linear power supply. Modern computers use switched-mode power supplies (SMPS) with a ferrite-cored high frequency transformer. The switched-mode supply is much lighter and less costly, and is more efficient, than an equivalent linear power supply. Computer power supplies may have short circuit protection; overpower (overload) protection, overvoltage protection, under voltage protection, over current protection, and over temperature protection

There are two major types of computer power supplies: AT and ATX. AT Power Supply An AT power supply is what was used for older computers. This type of power supply powered the first personal computers made by IBM, and the standard was adopted for other manufacturers as well. Specifically, it powered all AT and AT-compatible motherboards. The AT-compatible motherboard obtained its power from a special two-part power connector from the AT power supply. This power connector contained four +5 volt DC wires, four ground (0 volt) wires, one - 5 volt wire, one +12 volt wire and one -12 volt wire. The remaining wire was a signal wire that allowed the power supply to tell the motherboard that "Power is good." With an AT power supply, you were required to manually turn off your computer by pressing the power switch (which generally was a dedicated On/Off switch).

ATX Power Supply ATX (Advanced Technology eXtended) is a motherboard form factor specification developed by Intel in 1995

With advances in software and operating systems, computers could do more, such as enter "Power-Save" or "Sleep" mode. Software could now be used to turn off the computer, rather than having to turn off a computer with a power switch. This has all been made possible by use of ATX power supplies and ATX-compatible motherboards. The ATX power supply, therefore, is more complex. An ATX power supply has more outputs that connect to an ATX-compatible motherboard. Whereas the AT power supply only had 8 outputs, the ATX power supply uses either 20 or 24 outputs. Most ATX power supplies take into account that an ATX motherboard can contain either 20 or 24 outputs, so the extra 4 outputs are often split out as a separate plug that will only fit one way into a 24 output motherboard connector. The ATX power supply also supports more voltage settings, and is capable of accepting signals from the ATX-compatible motherboard other than simply "Power Good." The 24-pin ATX power supply has the following number of outputs, all voltages DC: three +3.3 volt, eight ground (0 volt), five +5 volt, one -5 volt, two +12 volt, one -12 volt and four "signal" wires ("Power Good," "+5 volt standby," "+3.3 volt sense" and "Power on"). The voltages produced by AT/ATX/ATX-2 power supplies are:

 +3.3 Volts DC (ATX/ATX-2)  +5 Volts DC (AT/ATX/ATX-2)  -5 Volts DC (AT/ATX/ATX-2)  +5 Volts DC Standby (ATX/ATX-2)  +12 Volts DC (AT/ATX/ATX-2) and  -12 Volts DC (AT/ATX/ATX-2)

Different types of connectors available in Power supplies

a) 4 Pin Berg Connector - Used to connect the PSU to small form factor devices, such as 3.5" floppy drives. available in: AT, ATX & ATX-2

b) 4 Pin Molex Connector - This is used to power various components, including hard drives and optical drives. available in: AT, ATX & ATX-2

c) 20 Pin Molex ATX Power Connector- This is used to power the motherboard in ATX systems. available in: ATX( ATX-2 have four extra pins)

d) 4 Pin Molex P4 12V Power Connector - Used specifically for Pentium 4 Processor Motherboards. available in: ATX (integrated into the power connector in ATX-2)

e) 6 Pin AUX Connector - Provides +5V DC, and two connections of +3.3V. available in: ATX/ATX-2

To Check Whether SMPS is Working or Not

Take a small piece of wire and connect one end in GREEN wire port and other in the BLACK. Switch ON the supply if the fan in the SMPS is working the SMPS is good. If not open the cover and check whether the Capacitors inside the SMPS is bulged on the top. If bulged replace the capacitor with the same value of the earlier. Check the voltages with a multimeter. A Good ATX SMPS wires gives the following voltage as the output. And work for different purpose


Blue -12 Serial Data

Brown/Violet +3.3 Sensor

Gray +5 Power good supply

Power supply Green +5 on/off

Orange +3.3 D Ram Refreshing

Purple +5 Stored by voltage

White -5 Refreshing Ram

Yellow +12 Motor Rotation

Red +5 Logic circuit

RESULT: Studied about the SMPS

20 Pin Molex ATX Power Connector 4 Pin Molex P4 12V Power Connector

4 Pin Berg Connector 4 Pin Molex Connector 6 Pin AUX Connector

Different Types of power supply connectors

Experiment No 4

Experiment Name : Monitors

Aim: To understand different types of monitors

A computer monitor is an electronic device that shows Output. Monitors often look similar to televisions. The main difference between a monitor and a television is that a monitor does not have a television tuner to change channels. Monitors often have higher display resolution than televisions. A high display resolution makes it easier to see smaller letters and fine graphics.

There are three types of computer displays: 1. Cathode Ray Tube (CRT)

This monitor uses a Cathode Ray Tube (CRT). Cathode ray tube creates an image on the screen using a beam of electrons. CRT consists of one or more guns that fire a beam of electrons inside the screen. The screen is coated with very tiny Phosphor dots from inside. The beam of electrons repeatedly falls on the surface of screen. Every beam fall takes only a fraction of second. CRT in color monitors consists of three guns. These guns generate red, green and blue (RGB) colors. The other colors are generated with a combination of these three colors. Nowadays, most of the CRT monitors are replaced by Flat Panel Monitors. 2. Flat Panel Monitors

Flat Panel Monitors take less space and are lightweight. These monitors use much less power than CRTs. It does not emit harmful radiations. It is much expensive than CRT. Notebook computers, PDA and cellular phones use flat panel monitors. Flat panel monitors are available in different sizes such as 15”, 17”, 18.5” & 20” etc. There are two types of Flat Panel Monitors they are a) Liquid Crystal Display

Liquid crystal display, also known as liquid crystal diode, is one of the most advanced technologies available at present. Typically, an LCD monitor consists of a layer of colour or monochrome pixels arranged schematically between a couple of transparent electrodes and two polarizing filters. Optical effect is achieved by polarizing the light in varied amounts and making it pass through the liquid crystal layer. At present, there are two types of LCD technology available. These include the active matrix or TFT and a passive matrix technology. Among these, TFT technology is more secure and reliable, and generates better picture quality. On the other hand, passive matrix has a slow response time and is slowly becoming outdated.

These monitors are compact, lightweight, do not consume much desk space and electricity and can even be operated by using batteries

These monitors are very expensive. Secondly, image quality is not constant when viewed from different angles. Also, an LCD monitor’s resolution is always constant. Any alterations can result in a reduced performance. b) LED (Light-Emitting Diodes) Monitors

LED monitors are the latest types of monitors in the market today. Like LCD, it is again a flat panel display making use of light-emitting diodes for back-lightning instead of Cold Cathode Fluorescent (CCFL) back-lightning used in LCDs. Primarily, the display is of LCD only but the back-lightning is done by LEDs. LED monitors are said to use much lesser power than CRT and LCD. Thus, they are also considered environmental friendly.

Other core advantages of LED monitors are:

They produce images with higher contrast, Lifespan and durability of LED monitors is more than CRT or LCD monitors, Do not produce much heat while running

RESULT: Studied about Different Types of Monitors

Name of the Experiment: STUDY OF KEY BOARD

Aim: To study about the inside of key board

Components Required: Key Boards

A keyboard is a lot like a miniature computer. It has its own processor and circuitry that carries information to and from that processor. A large part of this circuitry makes up the key matrix. The key matrix is a grid of circuits underneath the keys. In all keyboards (except For capacitive models), each circuit is broken at a point below each key. When you press a key, it presses a switch, completing the circuit and allowing a tiny amount of current to flow through. The mechanical action of the switch causes some vibration, called bounce, which the processor filters out. If you press and hold a key, the processor recognizes it as the equivalent of pressing a key repeatedly.

When the processor finds a circuit that is closed, it compares the location of that circuit on the key matrix to the character map in its read-only memory (ROM). A character map is basically a comparison chart or lookup table. It tells the processor the position of each key in the matrix and what each keystroke or combination of keystrokes represents. For example, the character map lets the processor know that pressing the a key by itself corresponds to a small letter "a," but the Shift and a keys pressed together correspond to a capital "A." In the key matrix A keyboard's primary function is to act as an input device. Using a keyboard, a person can type a document, use keyset shortcuts, access menus, play games and perform a variety of other tasks. Keyboards can have different keys depending on the manufacturer, the operating system they're designed for, and whether they are attached to a desktop computer or part of a laptop. But for the most part, these keys, also called keycaps, are the same size and shape from keyboard to keyboard. They're also placed at a similar distance from one another in a similar pattern, no matter what language or alphabet the keys represent. Most keyboards have between 80 and 110 keys, including: 1.Typing keys 2. A numeric keypad 3. Function keys 4. Control keys The typing keys include the letters of the alphabet, generally laid out in the same pattern used for typewriters. According to legend, this layout, known as QWERTY for its first six letters, helped keep mechanical typewriters' metal arms from colliding and jamming as people typed. The numeric keypad is a more recent addition to the computer keyboard. As the use of computers in business environments increased, so did the need for speedy data entry. Since a large part of the data was numbers, a set of 17 keys, arranged in the same configuration found on adding machines and calculators, was added to the keyboard.Key board can be classified by the switch technology that they use. Computer alphanumeric keyboards typically have 80–110 durable switches, one for each key.

The major types of keyboards technologies are

1. Microprocessor and controller circuitry of keyboards. 2. Membrane keyboards 3. Dome Switch keyboards 4. Mechanical Switch keyboards 5. Laser keyboards 6. Optical keyboard technology

 Studied about the different Types of Keyboards

Typical key board Processor

HARD DISK DRIVE (HDD) Ex. No. 6 Name of the Experiment: HARD DISK DRIVE (HDD) Aim: To study about the Hard disk Drives Objective: Components Required: Different types of Hard disk Theory:- Hard disk drive (HDD): A Hard disk drive also hard drive, hard disk, or disk drive is a device for storing and retrieving digital information, primarily computer data. It consists of one or more rigid (hence "hard") rapidly rotating discs or cylinders (called platters) coated with magnetic material, and with magnetic heads arranged to write data to the surfaces and read it from them. The cylinders spins and the heads moving over them to perform the read/write operations, it’s life time around 5-8 years. Hard drives are classified as non-volatile, random access, digital, magnetic, data storage devices. Introduced by IBM in 1956.The first IBM drive, the 350 RAMAC, was approximately the size of two refrigerators and stored 5 million 6-bit characters (the equivalent of 3.75 million 8-bit bytes) on a stack of 50 discs. In 1961 IBM introduced the model 1311 disk drive, which was about the size of a washing machine and stored two million characters on a removable disk "pack.". In 1973, IBM introduced a new type of hard drive code named "Winchester."

A hard disk drive records data by magnetizing a thin film of ferromagnetic material on a disk. Sequential changes in the direction of magnetization represent binary data bits. The data is read from the disk by detecting the transitions in magnetization. User data is encoded using an encoding scheme, such run-length limited encoding, which determines how the data is represented by the magnetic transitions. A typical HDD design consists of a spindle that holds flat circular disks, also called platters, which hold the recorded data. The platters are made from a non-magnetic material, usually aluminium alloy, glass, or ceramic, and are coated with a shallow layer of magnetic material typically 10–20 nm in depth, with an outer layer of carbon for protection.

Hard Disk Components

Platters - A number of disks on which data is stored (the more disks, the greater the drive's capacity) The 5.25” platter were used in earlier days. Now a days it is replaced by the 3.5”. The 2.5”, 1 1/8”, 1 1/3” & 1” platters are using in the laptop computers. Among this the 1” platter are known as “Micro drive”. The material by which a disk platter is manufactured is Aluminum Glass or Glass Ceramic compounds. To hold the data on the substrate, it must be coated with magnetic media like Iron Oxide media or Thin Film media

Each side of the platter surface is divided into so many concentric circles is called tracks. The track number stars from 0. The outermost track is given track no 0 and next 1 and so on… The innermost tracks will have the highest no. In a modern hard disk will have thousands of tracks on each platter.

It is the smallest addressable unit on a direct access storage device and can hold up to 512mb of data only. The storage capacity of the hdd will vary according to the number of sectors or tracks present in it.

Latency is the average time it takes for a sector to be available the heads have reached a track. It is a factor in disk read and write performance. Decreasing the latency increase the speed of access to data or file.

Motor - to rotate the disks

Head - to read and write data (The heads "fly" over the surface of a disk supported by a few molecules of air)

Actuator- to move the heads over the disks

(The figure A shows a device that has four disks (or platters). The white rings in each platter indicate a specific track. The white rings compose a cylinder.)

Areal density: Defines how tightly information is packed together on a medium. Increasing capacity per platter results in fewer parts, lower power consumption, less heat, and less noise. Increasing areal density increases performance because the head reads bits quickly as more pass under the head in the same amount of time; a lower speed disk could outperform a higher speed disk. SMART (Self-Monitoring, Analysis, and Reporting Technology) is an industry-standard specification for EIDE and SCSI disks that allows the monitoring of disks for reliability and impending disk drive failures

Spindle Motor It is the main motor which rotates the platters of the hard disk. It is also called spindle motor because it directly connected to the spindle on which the platters are connected.It rotates at speed of 3600 to 7200 Rpm or more. Logic Board All modern hard disks are made with an intelligent circuit board integrated into the hard disk unit. It contains the electronic components that controls various sections of the hard disk. It is also acts as an interface between the hard disk drive and the system IDE/ SATA Connectors : used to connect with motherboard Modes of Failure Hard drives may fail in a number of ways. Failure may be immediate and total, progressive, or limited. Data may be totally destroyed, or partially or totally recoverable. Earlier drives tended to develop bad sectors with use and wear, which could be "mapped out" so that they did not affect operation; this was considered normal unless many bad sectors developed in a short period. Later drives map out bad sectors automatically and invisibly to the user; S.M.A.R.T. (SMART -Self-Monitoring, Analysis, and Reporting Technology) Information logs these problems. A drive with bad sectors may usually continue to be used. Other failures which may be either progressive or limited are usually considered to be a reason to replace a drive; the value of data potentially at risk usually far outweighs the cost saved by continuing to use a drive which may be failing. Repeated but recoverable read or write errors, unusual noises, excessive and unusual heating, and other abnormalities, are warning signs. Some of the common failures seen are Head Crash, Bad Sectors, Striction, Circuit failure etc.

Master/Slave Settings (in IDE Connectors)

When connecting more than one hard drive to a computer on the same IDE controller, you generally have to assign one as the primary (master) and one as the secondary (slave). You do this by changing the jumpers on the hard drive next to the power connector. Normally, the drive will have a diagram to

Let you know which jumper should be set for a master drive and which to set for a slave drive.

Result: Studied different Components of the hard disk drive.

A Typical Hard disk

Building and Assembling a Desktop PC

Name of the Experiment: Study of Building and Assembling a Desktop PC

Aim: T o Identify and study Building and Assembling a Desktop PC

Objective: To acquire the knowledge and skills required to build and assemble a PC and to

Learn customisation of a PC according to specialized specifications.

Components Required: Cabinet, Mother board, Processor, SMPS, Hard Disk, Keyboard, Mouse ,

Screw Driver, Needle nose pliers, Anti-static Wrist Strap etc

The first step to building a computer is acquiring the parts. These parts include the internal components such as Power Supply Unit(SMPS), Motherboard, CPU, RAM, Hard Disk Drives, Optical Drives, and sometimes a Graphics Card. We also need external components such as Keyboard, Mouse, Monitor and sometimes other peripherals such as Printer, Scanner etc. A computer is made up of a case, also called a chassis, which houses several internal components, and the external components, including peripherals.

1. Static electricity is the biggest danger to the expensive parts of PC that we are about to assemble, even a tiny shock, much too small for us to feel, can damage the delicate Electronic traces, many times smaller than a human hair, that make up CPU, RAM and other chips. Its important to use an anti-static wrist strap. Once we have the power supply installed in the case, clip the end of the wrist strap to the outside of the power supply. (Never plug your computer in while you are connected to it by a wrist strap.) This will ensure that you, the case and the power supply are all connected to a common ground, in other words there will be no inequality of charge that will allow a spark to jump from you to the case. It’s also helpful to have an antistatic mat to set the case and other components on.

2. Turn off your computer and unplug your Power Supply before installing or removing any components—if power is flowing to components as they are installed or removed, they can be seriously damaged.

3. Never cut the grounding pin off your power cord. This “safety ground” Stands between you and potentially lethal voltages inside the power supply.

4. Be careful of sharp edges! Many lower-end PC cases have sharp, unfinished edges. This is especially so on interior surfaces, and where the case has been cut or punched-out. Use care and take your time to avoid cutting our hands.If your case has this problem, a little time with some sandpaper before you begin construction can spare you a lot of pain

6. Dismantling discrete electronic components such as your Power Supply or Monitor is dangerous. They contain high voltage capacitors, which can cause a severe electric shock if we touch them. These hold a charge even when the unit is not plugged in and are capable of delivering a fatal shock.

I. Motherboard Installation

A. Installing the CPU and Heatsink

Step 1. Take the new Motherboard out of the antistatic bag it was supplied and place it on the bag or the antistatic mat, if you have one.

Step 2. Install the processor. First, find pin 1 on the processor which is usually denoted by a corner of the chip, marked by a dot or bevel. Next find the corresponding pin 1 ofthe CPU Socket in the Motherboard. Insert the CPU into the Socket by lifting the release lever until it is vertical.

Step 3. Attach the heat sink.

This process may be different for different types of Active Heat Sinks. Most Heat sinks clip to the socket with one or more retainer clips.

B. Installing Memory Modules.

Step1. Ensure that the ejector tabs are flipped down on the memory socket. DIMMs are keyed by notches along the bottom connector edges that are offset from the centre so they can be inserted in only one direction.

Step 2. Push down on the DIMM until the ejector tabs lock into place in the notch on the side of the module.

C. Mounting the Motherboard in the Case

Step1. Remove the I/O Shield from the back of the case where the ports on the back of the motherboard will fit, and put in the I/O Shield that came with your motherboard.

Step 2. Find the holes in the new Motherboard for the standoffs. Install Standoffs in the case wherever there is a matching screw hole in the Motherboard. The screw holes typically have a ring of solder around them, which acts as a grounding point.

Step 3. Screw any Standoffs into the new case in the proper positions to align with the screw holes in the Motherboard.

Step 4. Install the new motherboard into the case or motherboard tray and screw the motherboard into the case using the screws supplied with the new motherboard.

II. Connecting the Power Supply

The Power Supply attaches to the chassis with four screws. Plug the main power connector ( ATX 20 pin or ATX12V 24 pin ) to the Motherboard.

III. Connecting I/O and other Cables to the Motherboard

Step 1. Connect the floppy cable between the floppy drives and the 34-pin floppy controller Connector on the Motherboard.

Step 2. Connect the Serial ATA and Parallel ATA cables to the drives and host adapter ports on the Motherboard.

Step 3. Attach the front-panel switch, LED, internal speaker wires, and front-mounted ports such as USB from the case front panel to the motherboard.

IV. Installing the Drives

Install Hard Drive, floppy drive and optical drive using the following steps.

Step 1. Remove the Drive bay plates.

Step 2. To install optical drives, simply slide the drive into chassis.

Step 3. Connect the PATA or SATA Cable to the rear of the drive.

Step 4. After the drive is in the bay, line up the drive-mounting screw holes on the drive with the holes in the case chassis. Secure the drive with four screws.

Step 5. To install the floppy and hard drive, slide the drives into the drive cage and secure them with four screws and connect the Cables to the rear of the drives.

Step 6. Connect the drive cables to the appropriate locations on the motherboard.

Step 7. Connect the Peripheral Power from PSU connectors to the drives. Connect Floppy Power Connector to Floppy Drive. For SATA HDDs, connect SATA Power connector from PSU.

V. Installing Additional Expansion Cards

Step 1. Insert each card by holding it carefully by the edges. Be careful not to touch the chips and the circuitry. Put the bottom-edge finger connector into the appropriate open slot (usually PCI or PCI Express). Firmly press down on the top of the card, exerting even pressure, until it snaps into place.

Step 2. Secure each card bracket with a screw.

Step 3. Attach any internal cable that the card requires.

VI. Installing the Cover Assembly and connecting external devices.

Install the cover assembly and connect external devices such as keyboard, Mouse, Monitor, Speakers and network cables.

VII. Switching ON the System and Running CMOS Setup Utility.

Switch on the System and check for the display. If we get display, run CMOS Setup Utility and ensure the drives are detected properly.

Result: Studied To assemble a Desktop PC

BIOS Setup Utility and Common Trouble Shooting

Name of the Experiment: BIOS Setup Utility.

Aim: To Understand the BIOS Setup Utility.

Objective: To know and understand the features available in BIOS Setup utility and common errors in POST. (Power on self Test) Components Required : PC

The BIOS Setup Program or CMOS Setup Program is the System configuration and setup program which runs from System BIOS. It is a menu-driven program. It enables us to configure the motherboard and chipset settings, date and time, passwords, disk drives, Boot options and many other basic system settings. The configurations done by BIOS Setup Utility are stored in a special CMOS RAM.

Accessing the BIOS Setup Utility

The BIOS Setup Utility can be activated only by pressing a special key or key combinations during the POST. The correct key to press is normally displayed onscreen during POST. The key or Key combinations used by major BIOS vendors are

AMI BIOS – Press F1 or Del during POST

Phoenix BIOS – Press F1 or F2 during POST

Award BIOS – Press Del or Ctrl+Alt+Esc during POST

On newer Intel Motherboard based PCs, press F2 to enter BIOS Setup program.

BIOS Setup MenusA typical Setup menu is shown in the figure A. This menu includes Main, Advanced,

Security, Power, Boot and Exit.

Setting the Boot Device Priority

Using the Boot menu in the BIOS Setup Utility, we can change the boot drive order.

1. Select Boot menu by pressing Left Arrow ( ) or Right Arrow ( ). Boot Menu is shown in figure B. 2. Select Boot Device Priority item from Boot menu by pressing Up Arrow(↑)

Down Arrow (↓) and press Enter. Now Current Boot Device Priority is displayed as in

3. To change Boot Device Priority, press + ( Plus ) or – (Minus). 4. Press F10 to save the changes made and exit from the BIOS Setup Program.

BIOS Power-On Self-Test (POST) Events:

Almost all computers run a series of diagnostic tests called a "Power On Self Test" (or POST) when they start up. These check everything from the motherboard to the keyboard. Only after POST is passed does the computer try to start up the operating system. When the POST is successfully completed, the computer beeps once. If the computer beeps more than once, or if it doesn't beep at all, it means it failed the POST and never even got to the operating system. If the computer beeps more than once it's trying to tell you what's wrong. Each BIOS vendor (such as AMI and VIA) has their own "Beep Codes", but here are some common examples of what the codes mean. For example a long, continuous beep usually means a stuck key on the keyboard or a problem with the system's motherboard. Check your computer's manual or look on the BIOS Company’s web site for a chart of what the beeps mean.

Common Post Trouble Shooting Steps

1.Remove new hardware

If any new hardware has been recently added to the computer, remove that hardware to make sure it is not the cause of your issue. If your computer works after removing the new hardware, it can mean a few things. Either the new hardware is not compatible with your computer, a system setting needs to be changed, or the new hardware is defective. 2. Remove any disks or USB devices 3. Disconnect external devices 4. Reconnect and check power cords 5. Check all fans 6. Check all cables 7.Remove the RAM

If you continue to experience the same problem with all the above hardware removed, remove the RAM from the motherboard and turn on the computer. If the computer has a different beep code or if your computer was not beeping and is now beeping, turn off your computer and try the below suggestions. Make sure to turn off the computer each time you are adding and removing the memory and then turning the computer back on to see if the suggestion resolves the issue. Re-insert the memory into the same slot.

If you have more than one stick of memory, remove all but one stick of memory and try rotating through each stick. Try one stick of memory in each slot. If you can get the computer to boot with one or more of the sticks of memory installed, it is likely you are dealing with some bad memory. Try to identify which stick of memory is bad and replace it.

Result: Familiar with BIOS Setup

Figure A : Main Menu

C: Boot Device Priority

Name of the Experiment: Input- Output Ports

Aim: To study about various types of I/O Ports on a system

Objective: To learn the necessary skills to install and uninstall an Application Software

Components Required : Computer System

Theory:- Ports are very important part for a system as they work as interface between your system and other devices that you want to attach with your system. This piece of equipment is easy to found in all the systems as it allows you to plug other devices in it. When you connect a new device with help of any of the port then signals starts flowing through system to device and your device start working with your system, according to your commands. Mainly these ports are divided into two types, and then further subtypes are counted in its series. Two mail types of ports are male and female which are popularly known as serial and parallel ports. Female ports are most popularly used because bent pins are easier to replace on a cable than on a connector attached to a computer.

Types of computer ports:

These are the common ports found in computers

 PS/2 Ports are most simple and oldest type of ports, and are still working in market with systems. These are 6-pin, low-speed serial connection ports which are used with mouse and keyboards mostly. In system two ports of this kind are found, although they look similar but they are not interchangeable. It is important to be extremely careful to attach the keyboard and mouse to their respective PS/2 port.

 VGA Monitor Port is used to display Video Graphics Array in your system. This port uses an analog monitor which forward signals towards display adapter. All monitors and LCDs accept these signals, but some flat displays prefer to use digital signal interface. VGA resolution typically refers to the original resolution of 640×480 pixels and 16 colors, but it is not preferred to use for small monitors or displays.

 USB ports are popular now as they have replaced many old ports from systems now. They have take place of old printer hook-ups, and these port are also addition ways for transferring data and add accessories to a system. Flash drives are biggest examples for these ports, which are connected on these ports only. These ports are also helping Smartphone users, as they can now transfer data very easily from computer to their phones.

 Serial ports are designed to handle all processes of a system. This port consist 9 to 24 pins and are able to send data in range of more than 18 feet. Serial ports have ability to do one and two way data transmission with complete responsibility.  Parallel ports consisted of 25 holes or pins and commonly connected the devices to system. Performance capability of these ports is much faster as compared to serial ports and other types of ports. These ports are built in mother board and consist of 25 wires, 8 of those wires are responsible to transfer data and control complete circuit.  RJ45 Ethernet Port is famous to use for connecting your system with local area networks. It look like connector of telephone wire but it is little wider than that.

Besides these some famous types of port input, output, audio, video, network and many other types of ports use to attach to a system. All of them are famous to perform their functions accurately in a computer system. Users can easily use any of them according to type of hardware that he wants to connect to his personal computer.

Result: Understanding various types of I/O Ports


Aim: Install and Configure a DVD Writer

Objective : To Install and Configure a DVD Writer and practice to write in a Blank DVD

Components/Tools : Computer with running Windows 7 , DVD writer, , Blank DVD,

Nero burning software.

To install an external DVD Writer

 When purchasing a new drive be sure to: DVD+/-RW  If you have a USB connection on your computer you can use an external drive. The advantage to an external drive is that you can use it on other computers as well.

To install an internal DVD

Look for a DVD with the letters RW on the box. This is so you can read disks and record them as well. Make sure the speed rating is 16X.

 Disconnect the power cord from the back of the Computer Cabinet  Open the case of the computer.  Locate the DVD drive. Most have two connections and can only be snapped in place one way. One connection is for data and one for power.  Check to see if your computer mounts the DVD/CD ROM drives from the inside or if they are pushed through the front panel (you may have to remove the plastic panel on some models.)  Carefully remove the plastic “knock-off.  Slide the DVD drive into an empty compartment or bay. Connect the data cable and Power to it.  Re-assemble the cover and plug the computer back in.

To record a blank DVD [For These first we install burning software (here NERO) to our system] Insert the blank DVD in the DVD writer. Double click the Nero icon in the desktop. Then select the needed options like CD/DVD etc.

Then Double click on Make Data DVD We get a screen below. Here select add to add the favourites file to copy in the disk. After adding click next

Select Current recorder as CD/DVD and Click the burn button. Burning Process starts ,the files are written to the disk

 Then finished the writing process and DVD will be ejected automatically

Result: Installation of DVD Writer and writing are done successfully.

Installing the Operating System.

Name of the Experiment: Installing the Operating System.

Aim: Installing the Operating System. [ Windows 7 and Ubuntu]

Objective: To acquire the skills required to perform a clean installation of Windows 7 Professional OS and Ubuntu operating System

Components Required: Windows 7 Installation disk -Drivers CD-Ubuntu OS

A) For Installing Fresh Copy of Windows 7

Step 1. Before inserting the CD/DVD, you'll have to enter bios (in most cases by pressing DEL on system start-up) and select your primary boot device CD-ROM Insert the Windows 7 Installation Disc and start your computer. When prompted to "Press any key to boot from CD," press a key on the keyboard.

Step 2. You will see a prompt that says ‘Press any key to continue’ after the ZT logo disappears. When you see this press any key immediately. Step 3. ‘Starting Windows’ with the Windows7 logo will appear. Step 4. Language options, by default English will be set along with “time and currency format” and “keyboard or input method” ( Fig.3 ) Step 5. Click “Install Now” Step 6. End User License Agreement (E.U.L.A.), check the box to accept, and click “Next” Step 7. “Which type of installation?” window will appear. Upgrade will be grayed out; the only option you should be able to choose is Custom (advanced). Step 8. “Where do you want to install windows?” Make sure the partition is highlighted. Step 9. Delete the partition by clicking on Drive options (advanced) on the bottom right corner of the field. Make sure the partition is highlighted and click on Delete. If drive advanced options is greyed out, then the partition will not have to be deleted.

*NOTE: Deleting the partitions will erase all data on the system

Step 10. Disk 0 Unallocated Space should be the only listing at this point. If it is press next, If not please proceed to delete any additional partitions that may be listed. Step 11. The next screen will show “Installing Windows”. This process should take approximately 10 minutes after which the system will reboot *NOTE: Do not press any keys during this boot up process so as to not disturb the rest of the installation. Step 12. The next screen will show “Installing Windows” again to complete the installation process. Step 13. “Setup is starting Windows” will appear on the screen, then you will be asked to create a user name and a computer name. Step 14. The next step will prompt you to create a password for your account (optional).

Step 15. The next screen will come up and ask you to choose one of three options: “Use recommended settings”, “Install important updates only” and “Ask me later”. Step 16. This screen will allow you to choose your local time zone and also adjust the date and time Step 17. Click on the appropriate location of your computer to enable Windows 7 to apply the correct network settings. The installation is done! You have successfully installed Windows 7 on your computer.

B) Steps for installing UBUNTU along with Windows

Step 1: Create a live Ubuntu USB or disk if it is not available

Step 2: Boot in to live USB

Plug the live USB or disk in to the computer and restart the computer. While booting the computer press F10 or F12 function key (defers from computer to computer) to go to the boot menu. Now, choose the option to boot from USB or CD/DVD.

Step 3: Start the installation

After a few minutes a screen appears as shown below. Here are 2 options 1. Try ubuntu without installing and 2. Install ubuntu Here we can select install ubuntu

[Even if you choose to try, you can find the option to install on the desktop]

In a few minutes installation wizard will be started. Select your language and click the "Install Ubuntu" button to continue.

STEP 4: Preparing to install Ubuntu, select options and click continue.

Step 5: Prepare the partition

This is the most important part of the whole dual boot installation. Where to install Ubuntu? Windows is already installed here, so, we’ll prepare a new partition for Ubuntu. In the Installation Type window, choose Something Else:

When select something else and continue we will get a screen like this

Linux recognizes and assigns IDs to drive in a different manner to Windows. In the above image, you can clearly see hard disk in the list. It is identified by "/dev/sda." Linux recognizes drives in the following way: • Sda = 1st drive • Sdb = 2nd drive • Sdc = 3rd drive and so on

Partitions are also shown after the drive letters. So if I had 2 partitions on my first disk, they would be identified as: • Sda1 – 1st drive, 1st partition • Sda2 – 1st drive, 2nd partition

You will not see the common Windows C: label in the disk menu in the above list. You do, however, have key things to help you recognize your Windows C: drive. Both of these can be used to identify which is your Windows disk. • The size of the disk is shown • The name of the drive is shown This is your current partition layout for your hard disks. If you have more than one disk, they will show up as /dev/sda, /dev/sdb etc. Firstly, identify your Windows installation. In this case, it's sda1 (which is first hard disk, first partition). What you see depends on how you created the extra space. Here it is just resized the Windows partition from within Windows, and left the free space ready to install Linux. Therefore, we now need create a minimum of two partitions:

Click "Add" and the following box will appear:

You will notice here already filled out the example above to create a 10GB root partition. You can have a maximum of 4 primary partitions, or 3 primary partitions and 1 logical (which allows for another 64 partitions) The size above is 10.00GB. e.g. 1,000 = 1GB 10,000 = 10GB (Remember to leave enough free remaining space to create your SWAP partition!) Location for new partition: Do you want it at the start or end of the free space. Select beginning. Use as: Ext4 is the recommended file system for Ubuntu, much the same as NTFS in Windows. SWAP is for SWAP space. Mount point: This is where you want the partition to mount. E.g. we need a root partition, which in Linux is denoted by a "/".

Click OK once you have finished setting the partition information and you will return to your partition screen, now showing the root partition you just created. Using the same methods as before, create a SWAP partition.

It is recommend you set the size of your SWAP partition to at least the size of your available RAM. If you have plenty of hard disk capacity I would suggest you use double the size. So if you have 2GB of RAM, set it to either 2GB or 4GB. For best performance it is recommended you have your SWAP partition at the beginning or end of your drive. Once you have done that, you should be looking at something like below.

After getting this click install now button and go

This time we get a screen asking Where are you? Select your location and Click the "Continue" button.

Just double click on your country if it is correct, and then select continue.

The next screen to appear will be keyboard layout:

Here we select the keyboard layout most of us it’s suggested by ubuntu, but if that not your layout select it from the list.

Here the “who are you" screen, will appear. Here we enter our details like name, passwords etc.

Fill the details and then click continue.

The installation information screens will now appear as Ubuntu continues the installation:

Once installation has finished, you will be presented with the following box:

Select Restart Now. After restart yow will granted by the login window. Use the login details you given and start use Ubuntu

Your desktop should look like this:

On next boot, you will see the option of Ubuntu in the grub screen.

Result: Installed Windows 7 OS and Ubuntu O S successfully

Installing Motherboard Device Drivers in Windows 7 OS

Name of the Experiment: Installing Motherboard Device Drivers in Windows 7 OS Platform.

Aim: Installing Motherboard Device Drivers in Windows 7 OS Platform.

Objective: To acquire the necessary skills to install Device Drivers.

Components Required : Driver Softwares

Theory:- A Device Driver is a program that controls a particular hardware device. After installing the Operating System, the first thing we need to do is install drivers for various hardware devices installed in the system. These drivers include chipset drivers for motherboard, drivers for new video cards, Audio hardware, Network adapters etc. Modern Motherboards have integrated hardware components such as Graphics adapter, Audio hardware, Network Adapter etc. The Motherboard manufacturer provides all the device drivers for the chipset and other integrated hardware components. We need to install all these drivers. Steps for installing Device Drivers for an Intel Motherboard 1. Log on to Windows 7 by using an account with administrator privileges.

2. Insert the Motherboard Driver CD that comes with the motherboard into CD/DVD-

3. The Mother board Driver Installer program (For Intel Motherboard, Intel Express

Installer program) starts automatically (Figure A ).

4. Select Drivers and needed applications.

5. Click Install Now. Motherboard driver installation now begins.

 Result: Studied to Installing Motherboard Device Drivers in Windows 7 OS

Hard Disk Drive Partitioning and Formatting

Name of the Experiment: Hard Disk Drive Partitioning and Formatting

Aim: Hard Disk Drive Partitioning and Formatting

Objective: To learn how to partition and format the hard disk using Disk Management Snap in Tool in Windows 7

Theory:- Preparing a Hard Disk for Data Storage involves the following procedures

1. Low Level formatting:

Process of dividing the disk media into tracks and sectors and is done at factory level by the Disk manufacturer.

Hard Disk is treated differently than other secondary storage devices. A single physical Hard Disk can be divided into partitions and each partition can be treated as separate drive. Microsoft OS assigns drive letters to these partitions.

3. High Level Formatting

Each partition is organized in accordance with an OS supported File System. Examples of Microsoft supported File Systems on Hard Disk are

FAT16, FAT32 and NTFS

There are two types of partitions

Maximum 4 partitions can be created in a Basic Disk.

4 primary partitions

3 Primary Partitions + 1 Extended Partition

Anyway, only 1 Extended Partition is supported

Extended partition can be divided into multiple logical drives and each logical drive is assigned with a drive letter.

Running Disk Management Tool

To launch Disk Management Snap in tool, do any of the following methods.

1. Right click on My Computer icon in the desktop and then select Manage from the context

Menu appears. This launches Computer Management Console. From the Computer

Management Console, select Disk Management

2. Open Start Menu, select Run, type diskmgmt.msc, and then click OK.

3. In Disk Management’s Graphical view, right-click an unallocated or free area, and then click New Simple Volume. This starts the New Simple Volume Wizard. (Note: If you need to create unallocated space, see the Tip Easily Shrink a Volume on a Windows 7 Disk for information on how to do this.)

1. Read the Welcome page and then click Next.

2. The Specify Volume Size page specifies the minimum and maximum size for the volume in megabytes and lets you size the volume within these limits. Size the partition in megabytes using the Simple Volume Size field and then click Next.

3. On the Assign Drive Letter Or Path page, specify whether you want to assign a drive letter or path and then click Next. The available options are as follows:

Assign The Following Drive Letter Select an available drive letter in the selection list provided. By default, Windows 7 selects the lowest available drive letter and excludes reserved drive letters as well as those assigned to local disks or network drives. Mount In The Following Empty NTFS Folder Choose this option to mount the partition in an empty NTFS folder. You must then type the path to an existing folder or click Browse to search for or create a folder to use. Do Not Assign A Drive Letter Or Drive Path Choose this option if you want to create the partition without assigning a drive letter or path. Later, if you want the partition to be available for storage, you can assign a drive letter or path at that time.

4. Use the Format Partition page to determine whether and how the volume should be formatted. If you want to format the volume, choose Format This Volume with the Following Settings, and then configure the following options:

File System Sets the file system type as FAT, FAT32, or NTFS. NTFS is selected by default in most cases. If you create a file system as FAT or FAT32, you can later convert it to NTFS by using the Convert utility. You can’t, however, convert NTFS partitions to FAT or FAT32. Allocation Unit Size Sets the cluster size for the file system. This is the basic unit in which disk space is allocated. The default allocation unit size is based on the size of the volume and, by default, is set dynamically prior to formatting. To override this feature, you can set the allocation unit size to a specific value. If you use many small files, you might want to use a smaller cluster size, such as 512 or 1,024 bytes. With these settings, small files use less disk space. Volume Label Sets a text label for the partition. This label is the partition’s volume name and by default is set to New Volume. You can change the volume label at any time by right-clicking the volume in Windows Explorer, choosing Properties, and typing a new value in the Label field provided on the General tab. Perform A Quick Format Tells Windows 7 to format without checking the partition for errors. With large partitions, this option can save you a few minutes. However, it’s usually better to check for errors, which enables Disk Management to mark bad sectors on the disk and lock them out. Enable File And Folder Compression Turns on compression for the disk. Built-in compression is available only for NTFS. Under NTFS, compression is transparent to users and compressed files can be accessed just like regular files. If you select this option, files and directories on this drive are compressed automatically.

5. Click Next, confirm your options, and then click Finish.

6. The Windows 7 Disk Management tool will now show the space configured as a new partition.

b) Shrinking an existing volume

1. Open the Disk Management console by typing diskmgmt.msc at an elevated command prompt.

2. In Disk Management, right-click the volume that you want to shrink, and then click Shrink Volume.

3. In the field provided in the Shrink dialog box, enter the amount of space by which to shrink the disk.

The Shrink dialog box provides the following information: Total Size Before Shrink In MB Lists the total capacity of the volume in MB. This is the formatted size of the volume. Size Of Available Shrink Space In MB Lists the maximum amount by which you can shrink the volume. This doesn’t represent the total amount of free space on the volume; rather, it represents the amount of space that can be removed, not including any data reserved for the master file table, volume snapshots, page files, and temporary files. Enter The Amount of Space To Shrink In MB Lists the total amount of space that will be removed from the volume. The initial value defaults to the maximum amount of space that can be removed from the volume. For optimal drive performance, you should ensure that the volume has at least 10 percent of free space after the shrink operation. Total Size After Shrink In MB Lists what the total capacity of the volume in MB will be after you shrink the volume. This is the new formatted size of the volume.

Once you have unallocated space, you can use that space to create a new partition. For a tip on creating a new partition using above steps

Name of the Experiment: Printers and Installation of Printers

Aim: Study about Different Types of Printers and their installation

Objective: To learn how to install printers on a computer

Components Required: Computers and Printers Theory:- A Printer is an electromechanical device which converts the text and graphical documents from electronic form to the physical form. Generally they are the external peripheral devices which are connected with the computers or laptops through a cable or wirelessly to receive input data and print them on the papers. A wide range of printers are available with a variety of features ranging from printing black and white text documents to high quality colored graphic image Quality of printers is identified by its features like color quality, speed of printing, resolution etc. Modern printers come with multipurpose functions i.e. they are combination of printer, scanner, photocopier, fax, etc.

There are two types of printers.

Impact printers An impact printer makes contact with the paper. It usually forms the print image by pressing an inked ribbon against the paper using a hammer or pins. Following are some examples of impact printers. Dot-Matrix Printers The dot-matrix printer uses print heads containing from 9 to 24 pins. These pins produce patterns of dots on the paper to form the individual characters. The 24 pin dot-matrix printer produces more dots that a 9 pin dot-matrix printer, which results in much better quality and clearer characters. The general rule is: the more pins, the clearer the letters on the paper. The pins strike the ribbon individually as the print mechanism moves across the entire print line in both directions, i-e, from left to right, then right to left, and so on. The user can produce a color output with a dot- matrix printer (the user will change the black ribbon with a ribbon that has color stripes). Dot- matrix printers are inexpensive and typically print at speeds of 100-600 characters per second. Daisy-wheel printers In order to get the quality of type found on typewriters, a daisy-wheel impact printer can be used. It is called daisy-wheel printer because the print mechanism looks like a daisy; at the end of each “Petal” is a fully formed character which produces solid-line print. A hammer strikes a “petal” containing a character against the ribbon, and the character prints on the paper. Its speed is slow typically 25-55 characters per second. Line printers

In business where enormous amount of material are printed, the character-at-a-time printers are too slow; therefore, these users need line-at-a-time printers. Line printers, or line-at-a-time printers, use special mechanism that can print a whole line at once; they can typically print the range of 1,200 to 6,000 lines per minute. Drum, chain, and band printers are line-at-a-time printers.

Drum printer A drum printer consists of a solid, cylindrical drum that has raised characters in bands on its surface. The number of print positions across the drum equals the number available on the page. This number typically ranges from 80-132 print positions. The drum rotates at a rapid speed. For each possible print position there is a print hammer located behind the paper. These hammers strike the paper, along the ink ribbon, against the proper character on the drum as it passes. One revolution of the drum is required to print each line. This means that all characters on the line are not printed at exactly the same time, but the time required to print the entire line is fast enough to call them line printers. Typical speeds of drum printers are in the range of 300 to 2000 lines per minute. Chain printers A chain printer uses a chain of print characters wrapped around two pulleys. Like the drum printer, there is one hammer for each print position. Circuitry inside the printer detects when the correct character appears at the desired print location on the page. The hammer then strikes the page, pressing the paper against a ribbon and the character located at the desired print position. An impression of the character is left on the page. The chain keeps rotating until all the required print positions on the line have filled. Then the page moves up to print the next line. Speeds of chain printers range from 400 to 2500 characters per minute. Band printers A band printer operates similar to chain printer except it uses a band instead of a chain and has fewer hammers. Band printer has a steel band divided into five sections of 48 characters each. The hammers on a band printer are mounted on a cartridge that moves across the paper to the appropriate positions. Characters are rotated into place and struck by the hammers. Font styles can easily be changed by replacing a band or chain.

Non-impact printers do not use a striking device to produce characters on the paper; and because these printers do not hammer against the paper they are much quieter. Following are some non-impacted printers. Ink-jet printers Ink-jet printers work in the same fashion as dot-matrix printers in the form images or characters with little dots. However, the dots are formed by tiny droplets of ink. Ink-jet printers form characters on paper by spraying ink from tiny nozzles through an electrical field that arranges the charged ink particles into characters at the rate of approximately 250 characters per second. The ink is absorbed into the paper and dries instantly. Various colours of ink can also be used. One or more nozzles in the print head emit a steady stream of ink drops. Droplets of ink are electrically charged after leaving the nozzle. The droplets are then guided to the paper by electrically charged deflecting plates [one plate has positive charge (upper plate) and the other has negative charge (lover plate)]. A nozzle for black ink may be all that’s needed to print text, but full-colour printing is also possible with the addition of needed to print text, but full-colour printing is also possible with the addition three extra nozzles for the cyan, magenta, and yellow primary colours. If a droplet isn’t needed for the character or image being formed, it is recycled back to its input nozzle.

Several manufacturers produce colour ink-jet printer. Some of these printers come with all their colour inks in a cartridge; if you want to replace on colour, you must replace all the colours. Other colour ink-jet printers allow you to replace ink individually. These printers are a better choice if user uses one colour more than other colours. These printers produce less noise and print in better quality with greater speed. Laser printers A laser printer works like a photocopy machine. Laser printers produce images on paper by directing a laser beam at a mirror which bounces the beam onto a drum. The drum has a special coating on it to which toner (an ink powder) sticks. Using patterns of small dots, a laser beam conveys information from the computer to a positively charged drum to become neutralized. From all those areas of drum which become neutralized, the toner detaches. As the paper rolls by the drum, the toner is transferred to the paper printing the letters or other graphics on the paper. A hot roller bonds the toner to the paper. Laser printers use buffers that store an entire page at a time. When a whole page is loaded, it will be printed. The speed of laser printers is high and they print quietly without producing much noise. Install and configure Dot matrix printer and Laser printer:

(i)To Install and configure Dot matrix printer:

Method 1 1. Every printer should come with the software used to install a printer in Windows or your operating system. 2. After everything has been plugged in turn the computer on. 3. Insert the CD that came with the printer. If the CD does not automatically start, open My Computer, double-click on the CD drive, and then click the Setup or Install file. If you have downloaded the drivers, run the downloaded setup file. 4. Follow the installation wizard and once completed your software is installed. 5. Test the printer to make sure it is working.

Connect the power cable to printer. Connect data cable of the printer to computer

 Go to Start > Device and Printers and click “add printer”

 Select local printer and click next

On the Choose a printer port page, make sure that the Use an existing port button and the recommended printer port are selected, and then click Next.

 Select the Manufacture and model and click next button. if the model is not in the list, click “have disk” button and in browse window locate the driver

 if there is an existing driver that you want to replace select it and click next

 Type printer name and click next

 Computer will install driver  If windows ask to share the printer click “do not share printer” and click next. Otherwise select share this printer and provide “share name”, comment etc.

 if you want to set this printer as default select the check box and click finish

 Then, follow the instructions on the computer screen.  After installation restart the system and check the printer.

(ii) To Install and configure Laser printer use the above steps after connecting the Laser Printer to system and turn on the printer. The changes are

 On the Choose a printer port page, make sure that the Use an existing port button and the recommended printer port are selected, and then click Next. Here select USB Port- Then Follow the same steps

Troubleshoot the Dot-matrix/ink jet/ laser jet printers

o Printer does not function o The printer does not print during self test. o Printer not ready error message displayed. o Carriage does not move. o Paper empty-not sensing. o No ribbon feed. o Head pins problem and coils check.

General Trouble shooting methods

 If the computer printer does not turn on, make sure power is on at the outlet, and then check to be sure that all cable connections are secure. Check the electrical cord. Also make sure that the cover is closed properly.  If the printer turns on but does not print, or print is distorted, check software configurations. Then turn the printer off, wait a few seconds to clear the memory and turn it back on. If necessary, reboot the computer.  If the unit still doesn’t print or print is distorted, check for a loose belt (dot-matrix only) and tighten, and remove and clean the print head (dot matrix and ink-jet printers only). If necessary, install a new factory-authorized head.  You also can run self-test following instructions in the computer printer owner’s manual. If the test fails to identify the problem, contact a service center.  If the print on the page is smeared or streaked, clean all rollers, platen, and rails (dot matrix or ink-jet printers) or clean the print head or print cartridge and the corona wire of a laser printer. If the wire is broken you’ll need to have it replaced by a professional.  Reboot your computer. This generally solves most printing problems.  Print a test page. If that prints and the application you are using doesn't, you probably will need to contact the application's vendor for support.  Try reinstalling the printer driver  Offline: Press the Go or Online button. If this does not change the printer display to Online, Power the printer off for 1 minute and then turn it back on.  Paper Jam: Open the doors and remove any paper, being careful not to tear it and lose pieces inside. Paper may also be lodged under the toner cartridge so you may have to pull it out. If you believe you have removed the paper but the display still says Paper Jam, power the printer off for 1 minute and turn it back on. If the jam is severe, contact the printer vendor for their expertise to rectify the problem.  Processing Job : If the printer displays Processing Job but nothing is printing the job may just be really large and taking a while to print. If it has not printed after 5 minutes, press the Cancel Job button on the printer. If the job will not cancel, power the printer off for 1 minute and turn it back on.

Result: Installation, Configuration and trouble shooting of printers done successfully.

Name of the Experiment: Installing scanner Microsoft Windows 7 Environment

AIM: To Install and configure Scanner to a computer system.

Components / tools required:

Computer with windows 7 OS, scanner and Device driver software

A scanner is an input device that scans documents and images, which can be imported into a computer. They are available in flatbed or sheet-fed versions and are usually connected via a high-speed USB port.OCR software can be used to recognize text documents imported from a scanner. The first image scanner developed for use with a computer was a drum scanner. It was built in 1957 at the US National Bureau of Standards

Plug and Play installation:

1. Plug your web camera or scanner into your computer. 2. If your camera is Plug and Play, the Scanner and Camera Wizard starts. -or- 3. Double-click Add Device. 4. Follow the instructions on your screen.

To Install and configure Scanner:

 To open Scanners and Cameras, click Start, click Control Panel, and then click Scanners and Cameras.  It displays already installed scanner. Select “add device” and click next in the next

 Select the manufacture and model if it available. Otherwise select “Have disk”

 The next window asks the driver i.e manufactures installation disk. Click browse

 Locate the driver file and click open. Then it will install the driver for the scanner Notes  If you have a Plug and Play camera, Windows detects it and installs it automatically.  If your camera or scanner is not Plug_and_play, follow the installation instructions that came with the device.  If your camera or scanner is not listed in the Scanner and Camera Installation Wizard, try to install it using Device Manager. How to scan a Document

1.Open the scanner: Once you have your scanner and have hooked it up to your computer, you can begin scanning your documents. Open the lid of the scanner, in much the same way you’d open a copy machine, in order to reveal the glass scanning surface. 2. Place the items into the scanning tray or glass. Place the side of the document that you want scanned down onto the glass. This will allow the camera below to see the item. Place the document the appropriate place; the space for a standard-size paper, as well as several other common sizes, will be marked along the edges of the glass. Any part of the document which does not fit on the glass will not be scanned. Once you have placed the item, close the lid.

3. Open your scanning software. Now that the item is place, open your scanning software on your computer. This can be accessed in a variety of ways. Try to install the software such that an icon is always readily accessible.

4. Adjust the scan settings. Adjust the settings as necessary for the document that you plan to scan. Text documents can often be scanned in black and white, while some scanning software may make allowances for scanning photos vs scanning posters. The software varies widely across brands and devices, so you will have to experiment.(Often the settings you will want to change will be relating to the quality of the scan. Higher quality scans will produce much larger files. Scan only to the quality you need. Images may need to be high quality where text can generally be scanned at a very low quality. Some software will have preset settings for this). 5. Select “Scan”. Once the settings have been adjusted, you will need to tell the software or the scanner to begin scanning the document. There may be a “Scan” button in the software or you may need to press a “Scan” button on the machine itself. Read your user manual if you become too confused 6. Make further adjustments, if necessary. Once the item is scanned, your software will usually give you the option to make further adjustments, such as changing the orientation of the image. Make whatever adjustments you feel are necessary and then tell the software to save the file.

Result: The Installation and configuration of Scanner to the pc done successfully and studied to scan a document.

Installing and Uninstalling an Application Software in Microsoft

Windows 7 Environment

Ex. No. 16 Name of the Experiment: Installing and uninstalling an Application Software in Microsoft Windows 7 Environment Aim: Installing and uninstalling an Application Software in Microsoft Windows 7 Environment Objective: To learn the necessary skills to install and uninstall an Application Software

Components Required : Application Software’s like office 2007

Theory:- Here we use Microsoft Office 2007 Application Package for installation and uninstallation.

Steps for installing Microsoft Office 2007 Package

1. Log on to Windows 7 by using an account with administrator privileges.

2. Insert the Microsoft Office2007 CD into the CD-ROM drive.

3. The Microsoft Office 2007 Setup Wizard should start automatically. If it does not, on the Start menu, select My Computer, and in the My Computer window, open your CD-ROM drive. Double-click Setup.exe to start the wizard.

4. In the Microsoft Office 2007 Setup Wizard, enter the 25 character Product Key and click

5. Read the licensing agreement, and then select the I accept the Terms of this agreement in the Microsoft License Terms window and the click Continue

6. In the next screen, choose the installation you want. Select Install Now to install typical

Office components. To customize Installation options, File location and enter User information, select Customize.

7. Installation Progress windows appears. After installation, select Go Online for Web Updates.

Otherwise select Close to finish installation.

Steps for uninstalling Microsoft Office 2007 Package

There are two methods for uninstallation.

1. By running the same Setup program used for installing Microsoft Office 2007.

2. By using the Add or Remove programs in the Control Panel.

1. Log on to Windows 7 by using an account with administrator privileges.

2. Insert the Microsoft Office2007 CD into the CD-ROM drive.

3. The Microsoft Office 2007 Setup Wizard should start automatically. If it does not, on the Start menu, select My Computer, and in the My Computer window, open your CD-ROM drive. Double-click Setup.exe to start the wizard.

4. Since the Microsoft Office 2007 is already installed, Change Your Microsoft Office 2007 window is shown with three options – Add or remove features, Repair and Remove.

Select Remove and click Continue.

5. Microsoft Office uninstallation begins.

1. Click on Start Button. Select Settings from the Start Menu and then select Control Panel.

2. From the Control Panel select Add or remove Programs.

3. Now currently installed programs are listed. Select Microsoft Office 2007 and click

Result: Studied to Installing and uninstalling an Application Software in Microsoft Windows

Name of the Experiment: Constructing UTP cables

Aim: To learn the necessary skills to Constructing UTP cables

Objective: To learn the skills to build up a UTP Straight through Cable and Cross Over Cable.

Components Required : UTP Cable (Cat 5e), RJ-45 connectors, Wire stripper & Crimping Tool

Theory: To construct a Straight through UTP cable, crimp both ends of the cable using either 568A or 568B. For a Cross Over cable, crimp one end of the cable with 568A Standard and the other end with 568B Standard.

EIA/TIA 568 A Wiring Standard EIA/TIA 568 B Wiring Standard PIN No Color code PIN No Color code 1 White/green 1 White/orange 2 Green 2 Orange 3 White/orange 3 White/green 4 Blue 4 Blue 5 White/blue 5 White/blue 6 Orange 6 Green 7 White/brown 7 White/brown 8 Brown 8 Brown

Steps for creating twisted-pair cable 1. Roll out the appropriate length of cable. 2. Cut the cable cleanly from the box of wire. 3. Use the wire stripper to strip only the insulation jacket of the cable, exposing the TP wires. 4. Arrange the wires according to the EIA 568A or 568B standard. 5. Trim the wire edges so the eight wires are even with one another and are slightly less than ½ “ past the end of the jacket. 6. With the clip side of the RJ-45 plug facing away from us, push the cable into place. Verify that the wires are arranged according to the EIA/TIA standard before crimping the plug onto the wires. Adjust the connection as necessary. 7. Use the crimping tool to squeeze the RJ-45 plug onto the cable. The end of the cable should be tight enough to resist being removed by hand 8. Repeat the steps 3-7 for the other end of the cable. Cut the end of the cable if necessary before stripping it.

Result: Studied to construct UTP cables.

Name of the Experiment: Workgroup based Network using Windows 7 Professional OS.

Aim: Building and setting up a Workgroup based Network using Windows 7 Professional OS.

Objective: To learn the necessary skills to Building and setting up a Workgroup based Network Theory:- Windows 7 supports two types of network environments in which users can share common resources – Workgroup based and Domain based Network environments. A Workgroup is a logical grouping of networked computers that share resources, such as files and printers. A Workgroup is also called a peer-to-peer network because all computers in the workgroup can share resources as equals (peers) without requiring a dedicated server. Each computer in the Workgroup maintains a local security database, which is a list of user accounts and resource security information for the computer on which it resides. A Domain is a logical grouping of networked computers that share a central security database, generally called directory database. The directory database contains user accounts and security information for the domain.

Steps for configuring and setting up Windows7 Workgroup based Network 1. Configure three Systems With same Workgroup name and unique computer Names For example, Workgroup Name – CB Lab ( for all three Systems) Names for 3 PCs - System1, System2 & System3 At the time of installation, we can configure Computer Name and Workgroup Name. If you want to change the Computer name and Workgroup name after installation follow these steps. 1. Open Control Panel and double click on System tool 2. System Properties window appears. Select Computer Name Tab. 3. Click on Change button. 4. Enter the computer name. 5. Select Workgroup under Member of section and enter new Workgroup name and click OK. Computer Name Changes window appears. Click OK. 6. Then restart the System.

2. Configure IP Address and Subnet Mask for each System as System1 IP Address : Subnet Mask : System 2 IP Address : Subnet Mask : System 3 IP Address : Subnet Mask :

To configure IP address information,

1. Open Control Panel and select Network Connections applet 2. Right click on the corresponding connection under LAN or High-Speed Internet section and select Properties from the pop-up menu. 3. From General Tab, select the item Internet Protocol Version(TCP/IPv4) and click onProperties

4. Internet Protocol(TCP/IP) Properties Window appears. Select Use the following IP Address and enter IP Address and Subnet Mask for each System as mentioned above and click OK twice.

3. Sharing a Folder in System1. 1. Select the folder you want to share in System1 2. Right click and select Sharing and Security from the pop-up menu appeared. 3. Then click on ‘If you understand the security risks but want to share files without running the wizard,click here’ link 4. Enable File sharing window appears. Select Just enable file sharing. (The above two steps appear only for the first time when try to share a folder.) 5. Select Share this folder on the Network check box. 6. Enter a Share name and select Allow network users to change my files check box if you want others to change your files over the network. 7. Click OK. Now the folder is shared.

4. Accessing the Shared Folder in System1 from System2 or System3. Open My Network Places from System2 or System3. Here all the available shares are appeared. OR Select Entire Nework under My Network Places. Select the Workgroup name CB Lab. Then Select System1. Now the Shared resources of System1 are displayed.Open the required Shared Folder. OR Type the UNC name of the share in Run window as \\System1\Data In the UNC Name, we can also type the IP Address instead of the System name as \\\Data

Result: Studied building and setting up a Workgroup based Network using Windows 7 Professional OS

Ex. No. 19 Name of the Experiment: Local Printer sharing in Windows 7 OS.

Aim: To share a printer using Windows 7 OS.

Objective: To learn the necessary skills to share a printer using windows 7 on local Network

Components Required : PC, Printer etc.

Steps for configuring and setting up Windows7 Workgroup based Network

Connecting to a Shared Printer from another System

1. Open Printers and Faxes from control panel. 2. Select Add Printer from Printer tasks section. 3. Add Printer Wizard appears and click Next. 4. In the Add Printer wizard, click on the option Add a network, wireless, or Bluetooth Printer. (Fig A) 5. Select a printer from the list, or click on the option The printer that I want isn't listed to find the desired printer. (To find a printer, proceed to step 6.) Fig B 6. To find a printer not on the list, perform the following: Select the option Add a printer using a TCP/IP address or hostname, and then click on the Next button (Note: Consult the printer list to find your printer's IP address.) Fig: C 7. Enter the IP address in the Hostname or IP address text area. (As you type the address, Windows also adds the address automatically to the Port name text area, as shown in the example below.) Fig D 8. Install the driver for your printer by selecting the printer's manufacturer from the Manufacturer and then the model number. (If the model number of your printer isn't listed, click on the Windows Update button to list additional printer models.) Fig E 9. Enter a descriptive name for your printer in the Printer name text area or leave the name that is already filled in, then click on the Next button. (In the example below, "Xerox WorkCentre 7345 PCL6" has been entered for the printer name.) Fig F 10. In the next window, make sure the option Do not share this printer is selected, and then click on theNext button. Click Finish to complete the installation. If the printer was added successfully, you should see a window like in the fig G 11. In the message window shown in step 10, click on the Print a test page button if you want to print a test page to verify you can print with the printer, and then click on the Finish button. You can view the new printer listing by clicking again on the Start button, and then clicking again on Devices and Printers

Result: Local Printer shared in Windows7